Senior Capstone Project: Debut play

Duties include:
Make script changes from a previous class project. Discuss with actors whether the script feels natural and discuss what changes could be made
Attend rehearsals, give notes to actors about blocking and diction
Create a prop list and build the props with no budget
Build and paint the set out of scraps from the scene shop
Find costumes and fit them to actors with no budget
Communicate with actors about any changes and make sure they understand what is happening at all times to ensure people make cues on time and safely
Hang my own lights and build my own cues. Communicate light cues to light board operator
Create a calendar for all members to use
Make sure that myself and actors are following the rules of the venue
Ensure the safety for all actors
Attend the Capstone showcase, watching other showcases and introducing mine
Communicate with photographer what type of pictures I want for photo call
Communicate with professor about my process
I Miss You
By: Kate Winegarden
Morehead State University
April 26, 2018
Lucille Caudill Little Theatre
Kate Winegarden
Lighting, Scenic, Props, Costume Designer:
Kate Winegarden
Lea: Sahara LaForce
Peepop: Bugs Reinhardt
Photo Credits:
Andrea Cox