Kate Winegarden is a Louisville, KY native. She was involved in every production in her high school and undergraduate college careers. Her favorite positions in theatre are designing and stage managing. At Morehead State University, she was an active member of Delta Chi Xi, the Honorary Dance Fraternity Incorporated and was the Treasurer of the theater honors fraternity, Theta Alpha Phi KY Alpha Chapter for two years. She was a work-study as the Head of Props and often volunteered in the costume, scenic, and paint shops.
For three summers, Kate worked in various positions at The Stephen Foster Drama Association in Bardstown, KY. Kate recently received MFA with emphasis in scenic design and stage management from University of Missouri at Kansas City (UMKC) where she also worked on props building and scenic painting.
During the summer of 2020 & 2021, Kate worked as scenic designer for Stagedoor Manor.
She adapts well to changes and is dedicated to her work. She loves to be organized and stay on task.
Favorite Quotes
"The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it."
~ J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan
"Do or do not, there is no try."
~Yoda, Star Wars
The Empire Strikes Back

Upcoming Works
~ Cenerentola
Assistant Stage Manager
Recent Works
~ The Tempest
~ Fall Dance Concert
~ Do You Feel Anger?
~ La Boheme
~ Maria de Buenos Aires
- The Gift of the Magi
Assistant Stage Manager
Production Stage
Stage Manager
Assistant Stage
Assistant Stage Manager & Props Coord
Scenic Designer & Props Coord
Other Interests
Kate writes plays, poems, and short stories. She joined her high school archery team and occasionally continues to arch in her back yard. In undergrad she fostered service dogs in training with the school's club. She also loves to watch movies and tv shows, and read books, mostly sci-fi and mystery. During COVID-19 she learned how to crochet and embroider.